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Thursday 13 March 2014



Chandragutti lies 16 km northwest of Soraba town. Anciently known as Chandraguptapura, it was a stronghold of the Kadambas of Banavasi (third-sixth centuries AD.) In an inscription dated AD. 1396 of the reign of Vijayanagara king Harihara II (AD. 1377-1404), Bachanna, a local chieftain claims to have established himself and said to have ruled over Chandragutti.Legend has it that Renuka was daughter of a Brahmin. She was married to jamadagni and was blessed with 5 sons. She used to fetch water for prayers from Malaprabha river for rituals conducted by her husband. One day she was delayed because she stood mute witness to youngsters frolicking at the river bed. This prompted the sage to suspect her chastity and he order his sons to punish their mother. Four of them refused on one pretext or the other, and the sage cursed them to become ennuchs. Parashuram beheaded Renuka, and behold her head multiplied and spread across the region. In the quest to escape from further persecution Renukamba hid at Chandragutti caves.

Thus the statue installed in the small cave consists of King cobra with 7 hood and the head of Renukamba as a symbol of dedication. One has to climb around 200 steps to reach the Renukamba temple on the hillock without footwear. It is advisable to keep the footwear in the vehicle before venturing to climb. Half way through the climb one gets to see Ganesh temple which seems to be of recent origin. Next one gets to see multiple snake carved stones with a priest guarding the same. As one reaches the hillock one notices the Renukamba temple with snake hood type of rock projection blessing the devotees. On the left hand side there is a cave and on the premise a small Devi statue with a round stone is located. Locals place a rupee coin and lift the stone to fulfill their wishes. Opposite to the main temple Parashuram is worshipped in a small temple.

On the hillock there is yet another temple of sorts, if one wishes they can trek up, but we let go the opportunity for lack of time to cover rest of the circuit. The view point from here may give one a complete idea of the landscape and peep into the river vardha too. It would be a trekkers delight. This place seems to have been fortified for sake of protection from enemies in old days. The traces of the fort wall can be seen around the hillock. 

One can exit after visit the Renukamba temple vide the other route making a full clock wise circambulation of the Chandragutti hillock. Probably it is developed to avoid stampede during jatras and shivaratri festivity when crowd would naturally assemble. Shoolada Berappa temple is located half way down the hillock, where 1000s of tridents are donated by pilgrims to fulfill their wishes. As one trudges along a hair tonsuring centre is available for pilgrims to dedicate their hair to the goddess. After which one approaches the pond named Tavarkere. Further on reaching the ground level one observes an enclosure with fresh water.

Other Names : Chadraguthi, Gutti Gudda, Gutti gudda,Chadhragutti

Nearest Cities : Sirsi,  Sorab, ,Haveri,Siddapur

Distance from Chandragutti :
Sirsi – 40 km
Sorab/Soraba – 17 km
Siddapur – 17 km
Haveri – 80 km


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